Blackberry Sour Dough Bread----The making of a hunky sex-god-of-a-loaf.

On September the 1st, I stuffed two large boxes into my rucksack
and set off on foot, determined
and a little smug at my organisational skills, to forage for blackberries. My scones sell well so I wanted to make a large batch of Mulled
Blackberry Jam to slather over them in the winter months.
Sadly, my efforts proved almost
'fruitless' (excuse the pun) as I walked from Walmer, to Kingsdown to St.
Margarets: my heart sinking the further I ventured to see that all the bushes
had either been stripped bare by super keen jam makers (I suspect the wonderful
W.I, as we seem to have more groups per square ft. than anywhere else) or maybe
it was the birds anticipating a hard winter. Either way, it was great to see
the fruit had been used, but not so much for me. All I was left with were the
limp, slightly squishy ones, or berries which hadn't ripened properly this late
in the season.
Even a Raven looked at me mockingly as
if to say 'should have got here earlier stupid,' as the rain then poured down
on us both.
On my way home, with my sad handful of over ripe blackberries and
grandiose plans for winter jam scuppered, I hatched a plan to make a ferment for sour
dough bread: which turned out to be brilliant.
The berries proved to be an excellent starter precisely because it was so late in the season and has produced a fervent ferment which in turn has given birth to a hunky sex-god-of-a-loaf in both taste, texture and ooooooh what a rise. My small haul turned out to be rich pickings indeed.
The berries proved to be an excellent starter precisely because it was so late in the season and has produced a fervent ferment which in turn has given birth to a hunky sex-god-of-a-loaf in both taste, texture and ooooooh what a rise. My small haul turned out to be rich pickings indeed.
Many of us these days have a sensitivity to bread made with commercial
yeast, so its glorious to be able to eat it again without any fear of dire
repercussions. (which we won't talk about...but you know what I'm talking
about...if you know what I'm talking about)
Two weeks later I'm taking orders.
If you are local to the area and would
like to order a loaf, please don't hesitate to give me a call 24 hours before
you'd like it, because then you'll have it warm and fresh from the oven. Also,
food waste appals me, and I rarely make any on spec.
Micky 01304 363028
I also serve this sour dough bread in
my cafe The Hayman's Kitchen.
Large loaf £4.95
Small loaf £2.50

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